We start with an informal discovery meeting. The goal is to understand where your brand is and where you want it to be. (Look at our sample creative brief.) Equally as important, the first meeting also measures chemistry. That’s why we insist on face-to-face, even if only 30 minutes or thanks to the benefit of Skype. We know from experience that not every agency is right for every brand. Some can finish each other’s sentences—others spend weeks defining the meaning of sentence. Like you, we are busy. Also like you, we take pride in our work and love what we do. If we don’t think we are a perfect match, we’ll exchange thanks you’s (even recommendations) and say goodbye.


If the chemistry is there, then we return to our creative pods to hatch ideas and devise a plan. Then it’s the pitch. For us it’s a chance to flaunt our creative skills while better understanding your business. We aim for ‘wow’. For you, it’s to test if there’s substance behind our claims. We expect a lot of questions (even interrogations), requests for samples of our previous work and whatever else you can throw our way. After we have indeed ‘wowed’ you, then we’re off. Once terms are agreed, we will create a project timeline with measurable goals. We deliver on time and ahead of expectations—that’s both the Mad and Legs sides of our creative brains. 


Our method is unconventional to some and overboard to others who watch our full immersion approach. But we wonder, why doesn't everyone do the same. We believe silos have no place in this always on, always connected world, so we jump right in and swim (upstream if we must). We eat, sleep and dream your brand. Although we don’t sleep much, when we do, pen and paper are on our bedsides because we know from experience that some of the best ideas hatch at 3am. We read the newspaper (yes, print), ride the bus, google, run, live inside your brain and shop as your target audience.

Our aim is to make your brand's pulse tangible. Once we've got it, your brand becomes an extension of us and is embedded in our brains (forever). This approach is how we create the tools you need to react on a whim and seize opportunities before they vanish. It's also how we ghost write blogs and articles that fool even the closest friends and family. We think and sound like your brand because we are your brand. 


No two brands or situations are the same so we can’t give you a clean process diagram (at least not on a website). You should feel comforted by this fact because it means that we don’t offer cookie-cutter solutions. We start from zero every time. Ideas, like ducklings, need time to grow. So we nurture ideas, mixing creative with strategic while they take shape. We work closely with our clients throughout every step, and insist on complete transparency. 

Despite Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter influencing (if not dictating) what we wear, eat and watch, and even where we go on holiday, consumers are desperate for a good story. Good means authentic first, relevant second and mind-blowingly different always. We'll get you there ahead of the crowd.

Now, more than ever, we are in a customer-led, not brand-led world. You need a partner who understands the current environment and is ready for a ride. Let's get started.